The Seascape
Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter
April 2024
Come and share some food and a beverage with us. Drop off your entry to the Beautification Awards event. This is the last day to submit your entry!
Come to Beautification Awards and see what wonderful creativity and beauty can be found in Central Coast’s landscapes. We love holding our Beautification Awards gala event at the Dream Inn, right on the beach by the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf and the Boardwalk this year. Come and enjoy!
May 17 will be our deadline for entering the competition. You have plenty of time to get your projects together. Judging happens May 29-30, 2024. Drop offs will be at all Graniterock locations (Seaside, Salinas, and Santa Cruz), B&B Small Engine Repair (Santa Cruz) and Central Home Supply (Santa Cruz). Or come by our Spring Mixer, May 17th, at Bruno’s in Scotts Valley, and drop off your packet!
Thursday, June 20th, will be our gala event at the Dream Inn. Your contact this year for the Beautification Awards is our Director of Events, Scott Long of Central Coast Landscape at 831-332-4565 or
For inspiration and showing how the Central Coast Chapter of the CLCA beautifies our landscape…above are some of our winners from 2023’s Beautification Awards.
Central Coast Chapter Members and Friends,
Welcome to the April update report from your Chapter Board of Directors…notes and ramblings below, aka “The Masked President’s Message” for April 2024, please, read on.
Our Membership and Vendors Night turned out to be a big success, again, based on the support of suppliers and landscapers who attended our event at the Seascape Golf Club in mid-March. It was especially gratifying to see some new members attending our event. Thank you Big Creek Lumber, MSI Surfaces, Alliance, Fall Creek, and Los Arroyos Nursery. We also thank our Partners who helped finance our membership drive and make it a wonderful success. Big thanks to all the companies that provided raffle items that raised money for the CLCA Leaf Foundation which raises money for College scholarships throughout California. We raised over $ 600 during our event!!! Special note: all money raised for LEAF by local chapters is earmarked for colleges in their chapter areas.
One event passes and another one gets tee’d up for the membership. It’s just what we do for you. Our Beautification Awards competition is just around the corner. In this newsletter we are posting the application links for entries for this yearly awards program. We will be inviting (begging, pleading) landscapers to sign up early and often. The open sign up period will be from April 8 through May 17. This gives you plenty of time to get your applications in. You have plenty of time to get your projects together. You do not have an excuse not to participate. We will be holding our Spring Mixer on the 17th as the final day to submit your projects that may include an educational event. We are still working on that one. Don’t worry about forgetting these dates because we will be reminding you more than a few times. Judging your projects will take place on May 29th and 30th. I am excited to announce that this year’s event will be hosted at the Dream Inn in Santa Cruz once again on June 20th. Get ready for a wonderful “Night on the Beach.” What better place to have a celebration of great landscapes and us, the landscape community. The Boardwalk and the wharf can be seen from the Dream Inn, the moonlight sparkling on the Monterey Bay, the sand between your toes…little paper umbrellas in your drinks. Well, you get the picture.
That’s all for now folks. Thank you all for supporting the CLCA and the Central Coast Chapter.
—Regan Barry
Coastal Evergreen Company
Immediate Past President: Phil Dundas—The Landscape Company
Membership Director: Terri Baker—Graniterock
Secretary/Treasurer: Katrina Christensen—K&D Landscaping
Director of Events: Scott Long—Central Coast Landscape
Director of Education: Michael Johnson—California H2orticulture Services
Associate Member Director: Julia Zuckerman—Delta Bluegrass
Legislation Director: Regan Barry—Coastal Evergreen
Please come and learn more about our board by coming to a meeting, or volunteer to help in any capacity. Please contact Regan Barry at if you are interested in becoming involved with this dynamic group.
It’s that time of year to renew your partnership. Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.
For more information, contact Regan Barry at
With much appreciation Our Partners for 2024. Sign up or re-register and we’ll add you to this group of fine businesses. It’s never too late to sign up!
Read more about David here…
The Partner’s Corner! What a great benefit. Here’s an easy way to let people in your industry know what you’re up to, what’s new, and why you’re the success that you are. We want to see pictures of you, your family, your company’s staff, we want to know what you do in your spare time and what makes you unique. We’re interested. Please contact Elise Huffman, the Central Coast editor, if you are interested in being featured on our website in a future “Partner’s Corner.” Partner’s don’t miss this chance for some FREE advertising.
The Seascape Newsletter is published 10 times per year and is posted each month on the chapter web site, Email notifications with links to the current issue are sent to over 400 targeted green industry professionals. Ads are billed annually and are sold in two levels, all with click-through access to your company’s website.
The CLCA Central Coast Chapter offers several different ways to reach your customers and other industry professionals. They are win-win opportunities that reinforce your sales program and give prominence to your company by its alignment with a professional organization. In addition to brand recognition and increased web exposure, you can gain insight to market trends and have face-to-face interactions with the people you are marketing to.
Some of our winners from 2023 are shown in this ad.
Dear Landscape Contractors and Members,
You’re invited to enter California Landscape Contractors Association—Central Coast Chapter’s 2024 Beautification Awards. This will be our chapter’s 38th annual awards ceremony. The awards banquet will return to The Dream Inn, Santa Cruz. We’re imagining "a night at the beach” as our inspiration. Mark your calendar for that event on June 20th.
Entries for this friendly competition may be submitted from April 8th thru May 17th. You can drop them off at B&B Small Engine, Granite Rock, and Central Home Supply, or bring them by our Spring Mixer on May 17th, 5 pm-9 pm Bruno’s Bar & Grill in Scotts Valley.
Please read instructions for submission of your work on the entry form. Supply good photos, you want your landscapes to look their best in our slide show.
Join your peers, and enter one or more projects to be judged by a panel of two professional landscape experts.
Judging will take place May 29th thru 30th.
The Beautification Awards event is an excellent way to show off your landscape talents, gain recognition from the public, and the landscape industry, as well as challenging your employees to do their finest work.
You have time to get your projects together.
Our mini-tradeshow and member’s night rolled into one great event. If you were there, you know why. Lots of comradery, industry talk, sharing, dinner, and a even a fun raffle. There were too many pictures to show all and everyone, or put names to faces, but here they are, a whole bunch, for your enjoyment…
It was especially nice to see some new faces, and of course the old ones too.
Thank you Regan Barry for emceeing the event. Thank you to everyone who came and participated.
CLCA’s recent successes in water management, legislation and member benefit programs are not the product of a liberal application of pixie dust, but the result of dedication and commitment by a special cadre of your colleagues. Each year, the association honors those who have made an exceptional impact on the association and the green industry. The 2023 awards were presented during the association’s annual Leadership Conference, held in San Marcos January 16-17, 2024.
The California Landscape Contractors Association and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California now offer a one-of-a-kind certification and educational opportunity for landscape professionals in Southern California.
This joint effort combines the CLCA Water Management Certification Program with the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper program to offer the landscape industry an opportunity to obtain two nationally recognized EPA WaterSense Professional Certifications with one course and one written test.
Presented in three six-hour classes, these workshops will offer CEUs for your current certifications and provide you with a participation certificate. These workshops are free and available only to those within the Metropolitan Water District’s service area.
Find curriculum, topics, and dates here.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Seascape Golf Resort Restaurant – Aptos, CA
Attendees: Katrina Christensen, Regan Berry, Scott Long, Terri Baker, Phil Dundas, Michael Johnson, Elise Huffman, Cathleen Quinn, Ki Bowman, Julia Zuckerman (on phone)
Meeting Minutes: recorded by Katrina Christensen
11:15am: Welcome and introductions
• Suppliers Night/Member’s Night
• Beautification Dinner Location
• Voting
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Regan Barry at 11:20am.
II. Roll Call, Establish Quorum and Approve Agenda
Regan Barry called the roll call.
Present: Katrina Christensen, Regan Berry, Julia Zuckerman, Scott Long (by proxy), Terri Baker, Phil Dundas (by proxy)
Absent: none
Other members and guests: none
Regan Barry indicated that quorum was established.
III. Approve minutes from February 8, 2024 Board Meeting
It was moved and seconded to approve the meeting minutes from the Feburary 8, 2024 Board Meeting as presented. The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.
IV. Voting Items—11:30 a.m.
Voting on approval for payment on the Renewal Harford Insurance Company Policy for the board and Cyber Insurance Policy Renewal
It was moved and seconded to approve paying in full the renewals for both the Hartford Insurance & Cyber Insurance Policy renewals.
Pay renewal for Harford Insurance Policy and Cyber Insurance Policy Approved
Voting on the Beautification Awards location between Dream Inn and Hotel Paradox
Discussion of pricing between the two venues, cost savings between the room rental, food menu, and visual audio, and sponsorship - committee to negotiate end costs
Vote to secure the location of the awards at the Dream Inn
It was moved and seconded to approve securing the Dream Inn for the Beautification Awards Location
Dream Inn as the location of the Beautifcation Awards Approved
Voting on spending money: New Banner for Board Events budget of $150
It was moved and seconded to approve $150 to spend on a new banner and that Regan Barry was going to purchase and secure new banner.
The purchase of a new CLCA Central Coast Chapter Banner was Approved
V. Advertisers—Enhanced Ads
Enhanced ads for $200 to get a larger ad, direct link to their website, duration of promotion, and online social media blast promotions.
Responsibility on who to send out renewals for advertising?
Is March a good time as year to phase out the advertising period? – Renewals should be from when they sign up for a rolling 12 months.
Cathy to confirm contacts on the Partners/Advertiser tracking sheet.
Choose two things:
(2) ads that are enhanced – newsletter and social media
Elise and Ki to create what the program would entail and present the options at the next board meeting. (send options to Regan, Katrina, Scott, and Terri)
(Break at 12 to order lunch)
VI. Vendor/Membership Night Update – March 14, 2024
Board reviewed current registrations and sign-ups and decided to make additional phone calls to past participants to encourage participation.
VII. Commitee Reports
a. Newsletter: Membership Drive – Mini Trade Show – write up from Regan for newsletter
Write up on Norcal Show - & photos from Katrina
b. Education Events – what do CLCA members want?
Educational Topics:
· Irrigation
· Focus on planting – garden tour
· How to build a culture in your business
· How to keep and retain employees
· Price your worth
· Tour of Big Creek Saw Mill
· Legislative Interaction
· Los Aromas Nursery Tour
Workshop Event in April, July or August?
Beautification Awards – can we make this educational? Can we give two or three reasons as to why a project was the winner. Include in the newsletter to explain the criteria on what the voting it based on, include a how-to prepare your site for judging, and add some interest to the event.
April event – Irrigation Training
Cabrillo College or Live Oak Grange
Vendor showcase?
Michael to select location, create content, and date/time – planning and promotion
Committee: Michael, Scott, Regan
VIII. New Business
March 14, 2024 – Membership Night
Next Board meeting April 3, 2024: (1st Wednesday at noon at Seascape Golf)
April Education: date/location TBD
June 6, 2024: Beautification Awards
VIII. Next Meeting and Adjournment
The board discussed the next meeting date and time
It was moved and seconded that the next board meeting be held on April 3rd at 12pm at Seascape Golf Resort Restaurant.The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 1:05pm.