The Seascape
Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter
February 2022
Time: 12:00 to 1:30 pm
Location: Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Aptos
Contact Phil Dundas (831) 750-0447 or
Times: 10am for Golf Event and 4:30pm for Suppliers Night
Location: DeLaveaga Golf Course
These are two separate events on the same day, with separate registration.
Links here:
Golf Registration and Suppliers Night Registration
Contact Phil Dundas (831) 750-0447 or
Time: 9:30 am to 5 pm
Location: Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Aptos
Contact Justin White at (831) 331-3476 or
by Phil Dundas, Chapter President, The Landscape Company
Hello Landscape Community,
As winter passes us by and we are reminded how precarious our water situation remains, the promise of spring looms. The fruit trees are beginning to node, daffodils abound, the sun floats higher and longer and excitement for the future renews. We have a number of great events planned so save the upcoming dates for:
(1) Supplier Night and Golf Tournament March 24th, 2022 at DeLaveaga Golf Course
(2) K&D Landscaping has organized a Water Management Summit for March 31st which promises to be informative on an important issue for our community and industry (see details below)
We hope to see you in person at these upcoming events.
Warmly, Phil
Phil Dundas
President, The Landscape Company
C: (831) 750-0447 │ O: (831) 476-7070
There has never been a better time to support Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program. Joining provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.
We would like to welcome GraniteCrete to the Central Coast Partners for Success!
For more information, contact Phil Dundas
Or, better still, go directly to our online registration! Join us today!
With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.
This month Jeremy Yearton is featured in our “Partner’s Corner.” Read more here.
On January 21 Central Coast joined forces to aid UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden’s and clean up the entry area to the grounds. This arboretum, with its rich and diverse collection, contains representatives of more than 300 plant families of Mediterranean climates. The 135 acre grounds maintain collections of rare and threatened plants of unusual scientific interest. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all those plants and keep things tidy. Central Coast to the rescue!
Don Defever was even spotted there, much to the excitement of those who know him. Don worked for many years for Jensen Landscape in the Bay Area and is a long time CLCA member and contributor. Regan Berry was there with two of his employees, Zack Weiner and Nico Galindo (who coincidentally both graduated from UCSC).
“I was gratified to see how many of our members showed up with their crews to help out. Phil Dundas along with our BOD chose a great community project for our Chapter to show what our local landscape contractors are made of. The Arboretum is a beautiful gem of a botanical garden and I’m sure that everyone who participated will carry the experience they had with fond memories,” said Regan Berry
Central Coast crew working to help clean up at the UCSC Arboretum.
—by Jay Martinez , CLCA legislative director
We’ve started a new year and with it, our state legislators have returned to Sacramento to present new bills covering all aspects of our lives in California.
Through the end of February, legislators have an opportunity to bring forward new bills for consideration. As is their pattern, many wait until just before the deadline to submit their bills. This year, between the Senate and State Assembly, we anticipate at least 1,000 bills will come forward. CLCA is fortunate to work with our legislative advocate, Tom Sheehy, who helps the CLCA Legislative Committee review the introduced bills, identify ones of interest, and (if necessary) adopt a position of support or opposition.
CLCA's website has regularly updated list of the bills that we are tracking and any positions we have adopted. You can check this out at:
CLCA chapters are beginning their programming for the year and we are already seeing chapters inviting legislative representatives or other government officials to their events. We encourage you to attend these events and get to know your representatives. It will assist with our collective advocacy work, should in person outreach be needed.
Once we see what legislation has been introduced, keep your eye on this space for updates of particular bills of interest to CLCA and the green industry.
When: March 31, 2022, 9:30 am- 5 pm
Where: Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Aptos
K&D, lead by Justin White has organized with local water districts, industry-leading manufacturers, and compiled a great lineup of speakers for this event.
There are a number of seats and created a special pricing level for CLCA members. This will be a great event for everyone from owners to account managers to suppliers and anyone else who wants to learn about water management
Please help me spread the word with your networks, Find the event flyer below, which includes additional info. Here is the link to register as well:
New Law, New Opportunities
The California Landscape Contractors Association was involved in the creation of the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act (Assembly Bill 325, Clute), which was signed in to law in 1990. This led to additional work 14 years later on Assembly Bill 2717, which passed in 2004. This bill requested that the California Urban Water Conservation Council (CUWCC) convene a stakeholder task force, comprised of public and private agencies, to re-evaluate landscape water conservation and recommend proposals for improving the efficiency of water use in new and urban landscapes in California.Webinars: MWELO Essential Elements Workshop Series (MEEWS)…read more here.
There are webinars that address the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance’s (MWELO) essential elements. MWELO Trainings can be found online at CLCA’s site:
Webinars: MWELO Essential Elements Workshop Series (MEEWS)
These webinars address the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance’s (MWELO) essential elements. Links can be found on the CLCA organization website noted below.
Receive knowledge of MWELO’s most important elements.
Receive knowledge of the watershed approach, plants, soil, irrigation, water budgeting and integrated pest management.
Receive knowledge of overall water efficient landscape best management practices (BMPs).
Verified attendees of the live version of these webinars received CEUs for APLD, AWWA, IA, ISA, NALP and QWEL. Viewing these as recorded webinars may count for CEUs for some self-reporting certifications like NALP, QWEL and AWWA. Recommendation: Check with your certification provider to be sure.
MWELO for Plan Checkers - March 1 - 8:30 am-1:30pm
Take an expansive look at the ordinance and explore an array of design strategies that meet the standard. Speakers include two landscape designers, an irrigation specialist, a code reviewer and a compost specialist. This training includes interactive design activities where you apply the concepts covered.
MWELO for Permit Applicants - March 8 - 8:30am-12:30pm
Experts will walk you through the permit application process and explain the basics of MWELO, the different compliance pathways, plan submittal requirements, inspection/audit requirements while addressing the top 100 most asked questions regarding plants, irrigation, soil, mulch, water features and more.
Firescaping Qualification Training - March 10, 11 - 9am-1pm
The course provides comprehensive best practices in regenerative landscaping, specifically oriented to reducing fire hazards and preparing cities and large property owners/managers for safety before, during and after a firestorm. Douglas Kent, author of the best-selling book on landscaping for fire protection, "Firescaping," will be teaching the course.
Design Qualification Training - March 29, 30, 31 - 8:30am-2:30pm
This training provides landscape design professionals with practical tools for designing and constructing healthy landscapes that protect local watersheds, conserve resources and address our changing climate.
Maintenance Qualification Training - May 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 - 8am-12pm
This training provides landscape maintenance professionals with practical tools to manage healthy landscapes. Learn about regenerative landscape practices from leading experts in soil health, irrigation, plant care, integrated pest management, and more.
Design/Maintenance Qualification Renewal Training - June 2 - 8am-2pm
ReScape wants you to dig in the soil! For our renewal trainings we will be identifying several practicum sites for you to refresh your soil assessment skills, measure out irrigation, identify native plants, refresh your knowledge of MWELO and SB 1383 and more. Stay tuned as we confirm the landscapes that will be regenerated!
Ecology Action has organized a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) training sponsored by our local water utilities and in partnership with Watsonville Adult Ed. We decided to combine the bilingual Green Gardener training with QWEL, to allow people who are aren't quite ready for the scheduling math/auditing component of QWEL to still take course and earn Green Gardener certification. Registration and info is live at See flyer below:
Water Conservation Coalition is seeking applicants for the Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping - Climate Victory Garden Grant program.
This was the same source of funding that made Vai Campbell's Memorial Garden possible. If CLCA has an idea for a community service project in 2022, this could be a good way to get some extra funding and community involvement. See flyer below:
CLCA Central Coast members met on December 9, 2021, during a lull in covid, to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy a beverage and food at Beer Thirty. Heating lamps helped keep us warm on that chilly evening. We had a good turn out though the pictures got lost, the memories are still there. Phil Dundas, new chapter president, was there to lead the event.
Gear up and get ready. This is an event you just can’t miss out on, two events on the same day! Come and play golf at Delaveaga and then join us for CLCA Central Coast’s Suppliers Night.
Please join us for an evening where industry vendors come together to display their wares, discuss their products and services, and have a great time. Enjoy a free dinner compliments of the Central Coast Chapter. This is our biggest, local trade show format event of the year. Bring a friend who might be interested in becoming a member.
Where: Delaveaga Golf Club. Details are coming soon. Links will be provided soon for registration to both events.
Further questions? Contract Matt Gomez at Ewing:
Central Coast Chapter CLCA Board Meeting in February 2022
Present: Phil Dundas, Cathy Quinn, Elise Huffman, Matt Gomez, Regan Berry, David Ventura, Justin White
Call to Order
● Phil called the meeting to order at 12:02 PM
● Everyone delivered their good news for the month.
● No minutes to approve.
Events Schedule
● Suppliers Night has been set for March 24th.
—The event will take place at DeLaveaga.
— It was decided to have a golf tournament the same day. Matt Gomex will run the tournament. Matt will send out details about the tournament.
— Matt to contact vendors.
—Event and dinner will be $30 per person.
— Phil was curious how we would separate the vendors at the event. More to follow on that.
● Awards Night: There was a lengthy discussion around the awards night. A committee has been put together to look at alternatives for the banquet. Regan, Phil, Ki and Elise will be getting together to discuss options. Committee to present something to the board at the next meeting.
● Holiday Party: Currently looking at Dec 8th.
● There was a discussion around having a designer/contractor get together. More and this to follow. Everyone seemed to think it was a good idea.
● Still trying to decide if we need an event coordinator.
● Education discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
Membership Updates
● No new updates for memberships.
Treasurer Report
● Kathy gave a presentation on the new budget for this year.
● he board made a motion to approve the new budget for 2022. Motion was seconded. Motion was passed.
Newsletter and Website Updates
● Elise s looking for content for the next newsletter
Other Business
● There was a lengthy discussion around bringing on more board members. Phil to speak with Greg Miller about taking on a more active role on the board. Regan is also considering the legislative representative position. More to follow on that.
● Dave to send everyone the SFBA Partner program they have. He mentioned it has more options as a vendor.
Meeting adjourned at 1:05.