CLCA/Central Coast

The Seascape

Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter

July/August 2022

July_Aug banner_no words.jpg

Events Calendar

August No Central Board Meeting, Summer Break

August 26, Friday
Annual Beautification Awards Event & Banquet 2022, “Growing into the Future Together”

Time: 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Location: Back Nine Bar & Grill at Pasatiempo Inn, off Hwy. 1, Santa Cruz.
Excellent landscapes will be acknowledged, awards given in various categories. There will be a live band, no-host bar, and sumptuous food from the grill. This is our biggest and most popular event of the year. Get ready to have a great time. Details and link for registration here. Please register for the event by August 22nd. Don’t wait until the last minute, reserve your spot now. We’re looking forward to seeing you at our biggest event of the year!
Please refer any questions to Gregory Miller, 831-234-0668,

September 7, Wednesday
Central Coast Chapter Board Meeting

Time: 12:00 to 1:30 pm
Location: Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Aptos
Contact Phil Dundas ‭(831) 750-0447 or

September 15, Thursday
Annual Liar’s Cup Golf Event

Time: TBA
Location: Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Aptos.
Link for information and registration here.


July-August 2022 Central Coast President’s Message

by Phil Dundas, Chapter President, The Landscape Company

Hello Landscape Community,
Summer is in full swing. In fact it’s coming to an end for students who will soon be returning to school. We’re excited for the upcoming 36th Annual Beautification Awards Banquet, Friday, August 26th, at The Back Nine Grill and Bar (located at 555 Highway 17 inside the Inn at Pasatiempo, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.) The theme this year is “Growing into the Future Together.” Together we can do so much more. Please join us for a fun evening. You can learn more and register by clicking on the following this link. 

The annual Liar’s Cup Golf Tournament is scheduled for September 15th at Delaveaga Golf Course. Keep an eye out for the sign-up information that will be sent out soon. Start thinking about your teams and who you’ll be inviting.

As usual, there are a lot of good things happening at the CLCA. Supporting our interests in Sacramento, informative information on issues of the day such as water management, mandatory retirement plans, HR and more! We encourage all members to get involved.  This is a rewarding professional association, but only as good as the participation we are able to generate.  Please join us and lend a hand, it will come back to you many fold.

With peace, love and happiness,, Phil

Phil Dundas
President, The Landscape Company

C: ‭(831) 750-0447‬ │  O: ‭(831) 476-7070‬

2022 Central Coast Chapter Partners for Success Program

There has never been a better time to support Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program. Joining provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.

We would like to welcome GraniteCrete to the Central Coast Partners for Success!

For more information, contact Phil Dundas

register now!

Or, better still, go directly to our online registration! Join us today!

WE love our partners!

With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.


Scott Long, Central Landscape and Maintenance, Inc.

This month Scott Long is featured in our “Partner’s Corner.” Read more here.


Advertise in the Central Coast Seascape Newsletter!

It’s always a great time to Advertise in this newsletter! Reach your target audience monthly. Sign up for large, medium, or small ads. For specs and pricing contact: OR sign up online here.


Join us for Central Coast’s Biggest Event of the Summer,
Our 36th Annual Beautification Awards!

Date: August 26, 2022
Time: 6:00-10:00 p.m.

The California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) Central Coast Chapter will unite to celebrate outstanding landscapes in our community. We’re meeting at The Back Nine Bar & Grill at the Pasatiempo Inn, Santa Cruz to honor our peers with awards in various landscape catagories. This year’s theme is “Growing into the Future Together.” 

You're invited to join your peers, and see this year’s entries. There’ll be a cocktail hour with a no host bar, and early in the evening you’ll be entertained by a live band called “The Dead Campers.” 

The mood this year is casual, so come and relax, enjoy a delicious BBQ-style banquet. This year’s awards will be announced. Thank you to all who entered! We look forward to seeing you, your guests, and friends at The Back Nine!


  • Dinner/BBQ $95.00 per person 

  • Chapter Partners please check your comp tickets: (All three levels receive 2 comps)

  • Event Sponsor: ($250 dinner purchased separately). Event sponsors will be publicly announced throughout the evening. As an event sponsor, you are helping to support the CLCA Central Coast and make this event possible. You are helping us “Growing into the Future Together.”

REGister here by August 22nd:


REcent event

Rare Corpse Flower Blooms at UCSC Arboretum

Yesterday, August 2nd, 2022, a truly wonderful and crazy thing happened. A rare flower, that looks like it came from another planet, drew hundreds of people to witness its bloom. The “Corpse Flower” or “Titan Arum” (Amorphophallus titanum) is known for its size (giant) and its smell (bad). It is native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Its enormous flower spike is the largest unbranched inflorescence (flower structure) in the Plant Kingdom. The fleshy central spike, called a spadix, bears small flowers in rings around its base (in the photos above, after the flower opened, they cut a vent so people could see the flowers inside. It creates an odor like decaying flesh or garbage to attract flies and other insects, its pollinators. This is a fascinating plant, but I won’t cover that all here. Google Corpse Flower for more specific in-depth information.

Everyone following this event on campus was very disappointed to hear, on August 1st, that the flower looked like it was “aborting.” Martin Quigley, UCSC Arboretrum Executive Director spoke to the crowds that vied for parking at the Arboretum. He said that they were almost certain that the flower would not open. It was a sensitive flower and the temperatures had gone down to the point where they believed it would not be able to flower. He demonstarted, by trying to measure the flower’s temperature with a COVID forehead thermometer and it was too low to register, not a good sign. They were all giving up on the flower. The Corpse Flower was deemed a corpse itself.

However, the next day the humidity stayed high and the coastal temperatures went up. The Corpse Flower surprised everyone and rallied. The news hit social media and everyone flocked back to UCSC to view, and maybe smell, this exotic flower.

Link to a 24 hour time-lapse video the Chicago Botanic Garden’s same flower.

UCSC Arboretum’s FB page where the event unfolded.

UCSC Arboretum’s “What’s Happening in the Garden” events link. Good to know that the first Tuesday of the month is Community Day and there is FREE ADMISSION, only on the first Tuesday of the month.

See below for the diagram of the life cycle of this plant. If you know who I should credit for this illustration please let me know. It was on signage at the event.


Upcoming EVENTS

Enter by August 15th, Save $100 if you enter by August 8th.

The California Landscape Contractors Association is now accepting entries for the 2022 Trophy Awards, a celebration of excellence in landscaping.

The California Landscape Contractors Association presents the Trophy Awards to:

  • Encourage interest in landscaping

  • Recognize the professionals who produce outstanding landscapes

  • Bestow public recognition on companies, institutions, municipalities and residents for their contribution to a beautiful California

All CLCA contractor members are eligible to enter the 2022 Trophy Awards

Why Enter?

Because winning a Trophy Award can:

  • Attract and amaze potential clients

  • Motivate your crews

  • Remind prime contractors of the valuable contributions your firm provides

  • And, most importantly, make your competition green with envy

Who Should Enter?

  • Contractors with amazing projects

  • You!

    To learn more or Download entry form PDF.
    Save $100 if you enter by August 8, August 15 is the deadline.

If you’d like to learn more about the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) and topics like water use efficiency, urban water use efficiency, Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and available programs please go to the California Department of Water Resources to learn more.

Water Conservation Coalition Seeking Applicants

Water Conservation Coalition is seeking applicants for the Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping - Climate Victory Garden Grant program.

This was the same source of funding that made Vai Campbell's Memorial Garden possible. If CLCA has an idea for a community service project in 2022, this could be a good way to get some extra funding and community involvement. See flyer below:

Fall 2022 Professional Trainings

ReScape provides nature-based, professional qualification for individuals, companies and public agency employees who design, install and maintain commercial, civic and residential landscapes. Here’s a link to learn more about them

Design Qualification Training 
September 28, 29, October 5, 6 - 8:30am-1pm 
This training provides landscape design professionals with practical tools for designing and constructing healthy landscapes that protect local watersheds, conserve resources and address our changing climate.

MWELO for Landscape Designers & Architects
September 30- 8:30am-12:30pm 
Experts will walk you through the permit application process and explain the basics of MWELO, the different compliance pathways, plan submittal requirements, inspection/audit requirements while addressing the top 100 most asked questions regarding plants, irrigation, soil, mulch, water features and more.  

There are more trainings through the year, go to the site for more info.

Training Scholarships Available

ReScape Regenerative Education Fund – Anyone in our community is eligible to apply for a tuition award that will cover the costs of any ReScape qualification training or event fees. Apply here: ReScape Regenerative Education Fund.

Donate to the Regenerative Education Fund



Board Meeting Minutes

Central Coast Chapter CLCA Board Meeting on July 20th, 2022

Present: Phil Dundas, Elise Huffman, Regan Berry, Ki Bowman, Andrew Tuckman, Chris Wilson, Terri Baker, Bill Bruce, David Ventura

Call to Order
• Phil called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM. Meeting was at Seascape Golf Course
• June’s minutes were approved.

• Ki reported everything is up to date on the website.

Membership Updates

• Bill Bruce from B&B Small Engine Repair was asked to join the board of directors. After a little bit of a discussion a motion was made to have Bill Bruce join the board of directors and be the New Associate Membership Representative. The motion was seconded and passed.

• There was a very lengthy discussion about the Public Outreach program. We need to use the money up soon. It was decided to create a subcommittee to present ideas to the board. The following people will be on the subcommittee, Chris Wilson, Terri Baker, Ki Bowman, Elise Huffman, and Jackie from Graniterock.

Treasurer Report

• We did not get a report at this meeting.
• There was a proposal to move our checking account from our current bank to Santa Cruz County Bank.
• After a discussion there was a motion made to move our checking account to Santa Cruz County Bank. There will be three people on the account. The president of the chapter, the treasurer of the chapter and the chapter’s bookkeeper. The following people will be on the account, Phil Dundas, current president, David Ventura, current treasurer, and Cathy Quinn, current bookkeeper. The motion was seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Events Schedule
• Andrew Tuckman came to the meeting to discuss the Beautification Awards Banquet. Andrew has graciously volunteered to be Master of Ceremonies. Great news!! Everything is in place for the event. The judges are all set, Andrew and Terri will host the judges on judgement day (Sounds kind of weird). It will be hosted at Graniterock in Watsonville. Thank you Terri and Graniterock. We have 28 individual entries, seven different contractors who entered this year. We collected $1,850.00 in entry fees.

• We are looking at Oct. 13th for a Monterey Mixer, it will be at either the Dust Bowl Brewery or Alvarado Street Brewery.

• We are still looking at late Sept. for the Lair’s Cup Golf Tournament. Matt Gomez said he would run it again.

Educational Events
• Nothing scheduled at this time.
Other Business:

Other Business

• We need to find another C27 to join the board. Regan and Phil have a couple of folks they can ask.

• Dave to set up video conference call with insurance person.

Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm.