The Seascape
Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter
June 2023
Our Beautification Awards Gala event will be held at the Back Nine Bar & Grill. Please register today! all info and registration HERE. Your contact this year is our new director of events, Scott Long of Central Coast Landscape at 831-332-4565 or
Another great seminar is coming your way. Registration information, details and links here soon. Contact Shane White, our Education Director, at (831) 358-8806 or
We are off for the summer, no board meetings until…
First meeting after “summer break.” Contact Phil Dundas (831) 750-0447 or
by Phil Dundas, Chapter President, The Landscape Company
Hello Landscape Community,
Hope everyone is well and ready for summer which surely must be around the corner. 2023 Beautification Awards Gala will be held on Saturday, June 24th. If you haven’t already, please register for the event and Beautification Awards Banquet. DETAILS AND LINK HERE. Remember that as a Partner (all levels) you have 2 comps. This is a great event to bring a guest(s).
We have a number of submissions for this year’s event and we are excited to reveal them. Please join us for some landscape community building, comradery and fun.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming events and hope you encourage others to join us.
With Rain Suit on in June, Phil
Phil Dundas
President, The Landscape Company
C: (831) 750-0447 │ O: (831) 476-7070
President: Phil Dundas—The Landscape Company
Membership Director: Terri Baker—Graniterock
Secretary: Julia Zuckerman—Delta Bluegrass
Director of Events: Scott Long—Central Coast Landscape
Director of Education/Treasurer: Shane White—K&D Landscaping
Associate Member Director: Bill Bruce—B&B Small Engine Repair
Legislation Director: Regan Barry—Coastal Evergreen
Our CLCA Central Coast Chapter board elections are held each November and will be advertised in our chapter newsletter. Newly elected officers of our chapter were announced in December. If you’re interested in joining the board, just let us know.
CLCA Associate Members,
California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) is presenting a state-wide webinar with CSLB Registrar Dave Fogt on June 28, 2023.
It will help contractors protect their licenses and their livelihoods.
Would you like to host a viewing party at your facility and invite your current or potential customers to attend? This is a member benefit for CLCA’s Associate Members and is offered to you at no charge.
The webinar gives licensed contractors peace of mind as it pertains to their CSLB licenses. It gives you a way to build relationships with your contractor customer base. It is a win-win for all.
Interested? See
It’s that time of year to renew your partnership. Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.
For more information, contact Phil Dundas
With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.
This month A Growing Concern is featured in our “Partner’s Corner.” Read more here.
If you are a Partner, this “Partner’s Corner” feature is a great member benefit. Please contact Bill Bruce at B&B Small Engine Repair if you are interested in being featured on our website in a future “Partner’s Corner.” Don’t miss this chance for some FREE advertising.
This is our biggest event of the year and a wonderful way to connect with the landscape community through friendly competition. See what everyone has been putting their time into to help beautify the Central Coast. We are celebrating the best of the best, the “Landscape Gems.”
The Awards Banquet will take place June 24, 2023 at Delaveaga’s Back Nine Bar & Grill. More info and registration can be found here.
This is always a lot of fun. You don’t want to miss this. Bring a guest!
CLCA on the floor of the state Assembly: Assemblymember Josh Hoover (fifth from left) is joined by CLCA members (pictured left to right) Evan Moffitt, Rick Oropeza, Regan Barry, Megan Rios, Richard Cohen, John McCabe and Jay Martinez
We have defeated countless hostile proposals and led many successful efforts to pass beneficial laws that protect the C-27 license and create new tools to combat unlicensed contracting. Expanding the scope and value of the C-27 license is an area where CLCA lobbying has had particular success:
In 2011 CLCA successfully fought to include the design and installation of commercial and residential rainwater capture systems used for landscape irrigation, fountains, ponds, and decorative water features as work authorized by the C-27 license.
CLCA sponsored legislation in 2007 that allows landscape contractors to sign prime contracts for the construction of outdoor kitchens and fireplaces if they are part of a landscaping project.
CLCA sponsored and passed a 2003 bill allowing landscape contractors to execute prime contracts for landscaping projects that include a swimming pool, spa, or hot tub.
Against very long odds, CLCA led a coalition to pass 1997 legislation reversing a court decision allowing general contractors to execute direct contracts for single trade specialty work, including landscaping.
Read more here…
As of June 10, 2022, a new state regulation bans the irrigation of decorative or non-functional grass with potable water in commercial, industrial and institutional settings. The regulation applies to turf that is ornamental and not used for recreation. It does not apply to residential lawns, school fields, sports fields or areas regularly used for civic or community events.
According to the State Water Board, ending irrigation of non-functional grass will save the equivalent of water used by as many as 780,000 households every year. The regulation does not restrict the watering of non-turf plantings or trees, which are important for shade and cooling as the state experiences more extreme heat events. Read more here.
Landscape rebate link:
May 31, 2023.
Conserving and storing water remains critical for communities recovering from multi-year drought conditions, preparing against climate change
—May 31, 2023 Contact: Edward Ortiz, Information Officer
SACRAMENTO – The State Water Resources Control Board has readopted an emergency regulation that bans using drinking water for watering decorative grass (also referred to as non-functional turf) in commercial, industrial and institutional areas throughout the state.
The State Water Board’s readoption of this regulation signals the real need for Californians to continue using water wisely, and it aligns with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s March 2023 executive order affirming that the multi-year drought continues to have significant, immediate impacts on communities with vulnerable water supplies across California. Although conditions have improved, they have not abated severe drought conditions that remain in some parts of the state, including those with groundwater basins that are depleted.
The regulation bans watering non-functional turf, which generally is mowed grass that is not used for recreational or other community activities, at commercial, industrial and institutional properties. This applies to areas like grass in front of or next to large commercial buildings, and some common areas managed by homeowners’ associations. In addition to not applying to grass used for recreational or other community activities, the ban does not affect or prohibit watering residential lawns or trees. In fact, the state encourages people to keep watering trees because of their many environmental benefits. The ban also does not prohibit using recycled water for irrigating non-functional turf.
“We all have a shared responsibility to continue to limit non-essential outdoor water use while the state grapples with extreme weather and plans for possible dry conditions this summer and into the next wet season,” said Joaquin Esquivel, chair of the State Water Board. “This readopted regulation will help us continue to protect California’s water resources in hotter, drier conditions.”
The regulation was initially adopted by the board in May 2022 and went into effect in June 2022. Once approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the
Secretary of State, the extension of the ban will go into effect for one additional year. It would have expired in June 2023, if not readopted.
With this readoption, there are two State Water Board water conservation emergency regulations in place. The other is an emergency regulation prohibiting wasteful water uses. That regulation, readopted in December 2022 and still in effect, prohibits outdoor watering causing substantial water to run onto sidewalks and other areas, and the use of potable water for washing hard surfaces like driveways or sidewalks. Violations of these prohibitions or of the newly extended non-functional turf watering ban are considered infractions.
Agencies already authorized to enforce the existing water regulations, like water suppliers and local governments, still are empowered to address violations of the non- functional turf watering regulation. In some areas, similar prohibitions are required by local plans or ordinances.
For more information on this and other statewide water restrictions, go to the State Water Board’s Water Conservation Emergency Regulation page.
The State Water Board’s mission is to preserve, enhance and restore the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper resource allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations.
Justin White, our Immediate Past President of Central Coast CLCA is now writing articles for Lawn and Landscape Magazine and we’ll be sharing the links here.
The Lawn & Landscape Technology Conference, the green industry’s only conference dedicated solely to technology for landscape contractors, lawn care professionals and industry decision-makers will be held August 9-11, 2023 at the Paris Las Vegas Resort & Casino. This day 2 ½ event will feature a robust educational program completely focused on how landscape professionals are using technology and software to operate more efficient and profitable businesses…learn more… Here’s a link to the conference.
Left to right: Shane White, John David, Phil Dundas, friend of Phil, and Regan Barry.
A good time was had by all at our Spring Mixer. Interesting discussions, shared food items, a few sips of beer were tasted. We even worked on a little business. It was the last night to enter Central Coast’s Beautification Awards. There were a couple of last-hour forms submitted, amidst some applause. We have a couple of new Central Coast members who have entered the contest this year. We can’t wait to see their creations.
Please come to these mixers and bring people to introduce them to the Central Coast Chapter. It’s low-key and lots of fun.
You can tell how into the conversations people were, we got very few photos, next time, next time! Thank you Terri Baker for the few snap shots we do have!
May 3, 2023 CLCA Central Coast Board Meeting Minutes
Regan Barry, Terri Baker, Elise Huffman, Scott Long
Call to Order:
Location: Seascape Golf Course Dining Room
Meeting called to order at 12:02 PM by Regan Barry
Regan led the meeting,
Not Enough people for a Quorum
Email notes from 4/5/2023 meeting for approval
Email for vote for approval to Move Shane White for Treasurer
o Regan went to the Capital meet with State Legislative Committee, and he met with Representatives in Sacramento
o Maria from State talked about Chapter Reimbursements for the year convention – which this year is in Monterey.
o Regan will discuss further about the reimbursements at the June meeting.
Beautification Award Entry Submission Deadline—5/12/2023
Last day for Beautification Award entries
Beer Thirty Mixer 6 pm and socialization
Submission drop off location: Granite Rock (Salinas, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Seaside) B&B
Discussed options if less than 9 entries, will revise event.
Flyer proofed by Regan and will be printed in color and dropped off at Building material yards by Regan
Regan and Scott to call Contractors to personally invite and encourage participation
Terri to call Irving Tamura and personally invite
Beautification Awards Presentation and Dinner Gala Event—6/24/2023
Elise to put flyer in newsletter
Location: Back 9 at Pasatiempo
Submission deadline: 5/12
Submission drop off location: Granite Rock (Salinas, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Seaside) B&B and Beer Thirty by May 12
Educational Event 5/23
Managing the Madness 5/23/23
Location: Graniterock Corporate Office 11am-2:30pm
Social Media
Need to be increased, idea: get a Cabrillo College student to volunteer, to work on their portfolio, and grow our brand and events awareness.
Elise job parameter and responsibilities
Over the years she has been tasked with more work
Next meeting discuss the scopeof work and responsibilities
Meeting adjourned @ 1:35 PM
TO DO’s:
Email last April meeting notes for approval
Email approval for Shane White as Treasurer
Print and distribute Flyers for Beautification Awards submittals and pass out – Regan
Call Contractors and personally invite to events