CLCA/Central Coast

The Seascape

Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter

May 2024


Events Calendar

May 17, Friday
Spring Mixer and Drop-off for Beautification Packets!

TIME: 5-9 p.m.
Location: Bruno’s Bar & Grill
230 Mt Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Come and share some food and a beverage with us. Drop off your entry to the Beautification Awards event. This is the last day to submit your entry!

Scott Long AT ‭831-332-4565 or

June 5, Wednesday
Central Coast Chapter Board Meeting

Time: noon
Location: Laughing monk tap room, 262 Mt Hermon Rd, scotts Valley
Contact Scott Long at ‭831-332-4565 or

June 20, Thursday
Beautification Awards Evening & Banquet

Time: 6-10pm
Location: Dream Inn, Santa Cruz

Come to Beautification Awards and see what wonderful creativity and beauty can be found in Central Coast’s landscapes. We love holding our Beautification Awards gala event at the Dream Inn, right on the beach by the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf and the Boardwalk this year. Come and enjoy!

Contact Scott Long at ‭831-332-4565 or with questions.

Beautification Awards Event—entry forms available now

May 17 will be our deadline for entering the competition. You have plenty of time to get your projects together. Judging happens May 29-30, 2024. Drop offs will be at all Graniterock locations (Seaside, Salinas, and Santa Cruz), B&B Small Engine Repair (Santa Cruz) and Central Home Supply (Santa Cruz). Or come by our Spring Mixer, May 17th, at Bruno’s in Scotts Valley, and drop off your packet!

Thursday, June 20th, will be our gala event at the Dream Inn. Your contact this year for the Beautification Awards is our Director of Events, Scott Long of Central Coast Landscape at ‭831-332-4565 or


Board of Directors Report

News updates from the Board—May 2024

Central Coast Chapter Members and Friends,

Welcome to the May update report from your Chapter Board of Directors…

Central Coast Chapter May Confessions

I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “value” and how it applies to our lives and specifically to how it pertains to being part of the California Landscape Contractors Association. When I speak to others, members, and especially non-members, about the “value” of being a part of our association I get a little bit into my head when trying to figure out what to say and what benefit it might bring to someone else. After all, we individually have different needs, interests and goals. The challenging part when I start the conversation is when I’m asked “what that value is there?” or I hear “I don’t see any value.” Then of course I dive into the value it brings to me personally by way of having wonderful friendships, collaborations with other C-27 contractors and suppliers in the green industry, a connection with my community by attending sponsored events put on by our chapter, business growth opportunities through education and training, legislative advocacy…. You get the picture. It’s a lot.

And yet after pouring my heart out explaining all those positives in my experience it’s sometimes still not enough to convince the listener. But then it hit me. I realized that when we’re not ready to take part in the conversation or invitation there’s not much to talk about, other than possibly how crappy the Giants are again this year and that’s cool too. Timing really is everything and sometimes it is never time and at that point you get over it. My motivation is that I want to share a good thing with others. It’s hard for me to imagine if any of this added “value” I talk about now would have been possible if someone like myself, twenty-three years ago, thank you Chris Elliott from AquaGreen, didn’t invite me to see what might be behind the curtain at the CLCA, and my local Central Coast Chapter. As the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know, especially about what that “value” thing might mean if you don’t give it a try. Speaking for myself, I see the value.

The crux of what I am trying to say is that if you really want to know what the value of the CLCA could be for you personally, and your company, pull back the curtain when a board member invites you to participate in any of our yearly programs. Then step in and then imagine the possibilities. You may be surprised. I can get over it when someone says no but it won’t stop me from sharing and inviting.

Please read our monthly Central Coast Chapter newsletter, The Seascape, to see what’s new and coming up on the schedule. Your board of directors and association thank you. 

Happy Trails!

Regan Barry
Coastal Evergreen Company

Central Coast Chapter Board of Directors

Immediate Past President: Phil Dundas—The Landscape Company
Membership Director: Terri Baker—Graniterock
Director of Events: Scott Long—Central Coast Landscape
Director of Education: Michael Johnson—California H2orticulture Services 
Associate Member Director: Julia Zuckerman—Delta Bluegrass
Legislation Director: Regan Barry—Coastal Evergreen
Secretary/Treasurer: Jamie Clark—K & D Landscaping

Please come and learn more about our board by coming to a meeting, or volunteer to help in any capacity. Please contact Regan Barry at if you are interested in becoming involved with this dynamic group.

Central Coast Chapter Partners for Success Program

It’s that time of year to renew your partnership. Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.

For more information, contact Regan Barry at

register NOW for 2024!

WE love our partners

With much appreciation Our Partners for 2024. Sign up or re-register and we’ll add you to this group of fine businesses. It’s never too late to sign up!



CLCA Central Coast Chapter industry leaders

Read more about Anthony and George here…

The Partner’s Corner! What a great benefit. Here’s an easy way to let people in your industry know what you’re up to, what’s new, and why you’re the success that you are. We want to see pictures of you, your family, your company’s staff, we want to know what you do in your spare time and what makes you unique. We’re interested. Please contact Elise Huffman, the Central Coast editor, if you are interested in being featured on our website in a future “Partner’s Corner.” Partner’s don’t miss this chance for some FREE advertising.



Spring Mixer at Bruno’s Bar & Grill

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Kings Village Shopping Center, 230 Mt Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Bruno’s is where the fun is! Come and share some food and a beer with your CLCA Central Coast friends.

BURGERS, STEAKS, SALADS, COCKTAILS & MORE Bruno’s in the Winner of the Best Restaurant in Scott’s Valley, Best Bloody Mary, Best Burger, Best Wings, Best Place to Watch Sports & More!  Their menu features everything from burgers to salads, providing guests with a delicious meal no matter what your preference. And, of course, there are those award-winning cocktails.Come join us and enjoy what Bruno’s has to offer.

While you’re at it REMEMBER to BRING & DROP OFF YOUR ENTRIES to the BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS Event. May 17 is the deadline to get your entries in! Need an entry form in a hurry, right here. Any further questions about the Beautification Awards please contact Scott Long of Central Coast Landscape at ‭831-332-4565 or


It’s Time for Some Fun—Enter This Year!

the Awards Banquet at the Dream Inn!
thursday, June 20, 2024

Some of our winners from 2023 are shown in this ad.

Dear Landscape Contractors and Members,

You’re invited to enter California Landscape Contractors Association—Central Coast Chapter’s 2024 Beautification Awards. This will be our chapter’s 38th annual awards ceremony. The awards banquet will return to The Dream Inn, Santa Cruz. We’re imagining "a night at the beach” as our inspiration. Mark your calendar for that event on June 20th.

Entries for this friendly competition may be submitted from April 8th thru May 17th. You can drop them off at B&B Small Engine, Granite Rock, and Central Home Supply, or bring them by our Spring Mixer on May 17th, 5 pm-9 pm Bruno’s Bar & Grill in Scotts Valley.

Please read instructions for submission of your work on the entry form. Supply good photos, you want your landscapes to look their best in our slide show.

Join your peers, and enter one or more projects to be judged by a panel of two professional landscape experts.

Judging will take place May 29th thru 30th.

The Beautification Awards event is an excellent way to show off your landscape talents, gain recognition from the public, and the landscape industry, as well as challenging your employees to do their finest work.

You have time to get your projects together.


Get your entries in by May 17!


Big Summer Central Coast Event

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Imagine with us an evening in the tropics. Down by the Santa Cruz Boardwalk at the historic Dream Inn. Ocean views, tiki drinks, and fragrant flowers, Hawaiian shirts and grilled fare. Come have a “Night at the Beach” with us, and feel that Aloha vibe at our 2024 Beautification Awards. Live band: Santa Cruda, mashup of reggae hits. More info coming in June 1!

Advertise in the Central Coast Seascape Newsletter!

Advertise in this newsletter in 2024!

The Seascape Newsletter is published 10 times per year and is posted each month on the chapter web site, Email notifications with links to the current issue are sent to over 400 targeted green industry professionals. Ads are billed annually and are sold in two levels, all with click-through access to your company’s website.

The CLCA Central Coast Chapter offers several different ways to reach your customers and other industry professionals. They are win-win opportunities that reinforce your sales program and give prominence to your company by its alignment with a professional organization. In addition to brand recognition and increased web exposure, you can gain insight to market trends and have face-to-face interactions with the people you are marketing to.

Reach your target audience monthly. Sign up for one of two levels of monthly ads: Basic or boosted, or single ads. For specs and pricing contact:


educational corner

Legislative Highlights

CLCA is very proud of our advocacy work on behalf of California’s landscape contractors

We have defeated countless hostile proposals and led many successful efforts to pass beneficial laws that protect the C-27 license and create new tools to combat unlicensed contracting. Expanding the scope and value of the C-27 license is an area where CLCA lobbying has had particular success

Read more…



May Board Minutes

Present: Regan Barry, Scott Long, Ki Bowman, Terry Baker, Katia Velasquez, Jamie Clark

Recorded by Jamie Clark

May 1, 2024, 12:00pm: Welcome and introductions


·  Remove Katrina as bank signer and dual approver

·  Approve Regan as new signer and dual approver

·  Appoint Jamie Clark to Secretary/Treasurer position

I.   Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Regan Barry at 12:30

II.   Roll Call, Establish Quorum and Approve Agenda

Regan Barry called the roll call.

Present: Regan Barry, Scott, Ki, Terry, Katija, Jamie Clark

Absent: Julie, Micheal, Phil

Other members and guests included: none

III. Approve minutes from April 3, 2024 Board Meeting

We do not have minutes from April meeting. They were never recorded.

IV. Voting Items – 1:00pm

Voting on removing bank signers and dual approvers and assigning new bank signers and dual approvers

It was moved  and seconded to remove Katrina as bank signer and dual approver and that Regan Barry was to become new bank signer and dual approver.

Regan Barry as bank signer and dual approver Approved

Voting on appointing Jamie Clark as Secretary/Treasurer

It was moved and seconded to appoint Jamie Clark as Secretary/Treasurer

Jamie Clark appointed as Secretary/Treasure Approved

V. Committee Reports

  1. Beautification Awards: responsibilities divided, drop off points established.

Katija distributed flyers. Need to look into Morgan Hill and Gilroy district lines. Dream Inn is under contract, deposit has been paid by check.

Award Plaques will not have photos. Simple, Jamie to give trophy contact to Katija

Music has been decided.

Drivers and navigators have been decided

Judges: Juan Carlos of Urban Spaces

Day of MC: Scott and Regan, Regan to write script

Chris Elliot to hand out plaques

b. Membership: No updates as of now

c.  Education Events – Nursery tour, bid to buy explaination, how to explain it to the clent, customer, making money in the landscaping industry, conversation tabled to later meeting

VI. New Business

VII. Adjournment 1:39pm