CLCA/Central Coast

The Seascape

Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter

March 2021


Calendar of Events

Sign Up for Seascape Newsletter Advertising for 2021!

offering a 15% discount this year to members!

It’s always a good time to advertise in your local CLCA Central Coast newsletter. Advertise in Seascape.

March 10, Wednesday, 5-7:00 pm & 12:00 noon
Free CLCA SFBA Webinar: Integrated Pest Management with Frank Niccoli

zoom URL will be sent to all registrants

Webinar on how to evaluate an individual spray event and determine the correct chemical to use. That is what IPM (Integrated Pest Management) is all about.

Get more information and register now.
Jeff Henninger, CLCA—San Francisco Bay Area,

April 15 Deadline
Leaf Scholarship Program

Students needing education dollars?

In 2020, nine deserving California college students received scholarships from our LEAF scholarship program.
LEAF's scholarships help make education attainable and boosts our industry's next wave of leaders. Our scholarship winners come from a variety of 2-year and 4-year colleges across California. You can learn about our 2020 scholarship recipients here. LEAF is here to help!

April 17 & 24, 2 Saturdays, 9-11:15 am & 1-2:30 pm
Firescaping: Horticulture in Fire Country

zoom URL will be sent to all registrants

A Monterey Peninsula College course where experts will give relevant landscape design and maintenance principles for fire country. We will review maintaining defensible space and hardening your structure. Presenters will include landscape architects and horticulturists, as well as fire science experts. This 8-hour course is valuable for garden designers, landscape contractors, tree services providers, homeowners, and anyone working and/or living where wildfire can occur. The course will be delivered synchronously by Zoom. Those taking the course for credit will complete assessments in Canvas.


Coming in April or May, a Saturday
Predictable Profit—Free to Members

Justin White, Central Coast’s favorite president of 2021 and CEO of K&D Landscaping is giving a presentation on “preditable profitability.” He will discuss business vision and roapmap, “unstoppable culture,” sales and estimating, marketing and innovation, and more. Contact Justin White for details at (831) 331-3476 or You can sign up at this link. (ADD LINK)

** Our new Beautification Awards Banquet has been postponed until June 25, 2021 due to difficulty scheduling around the COVID virus**
** Our Suppliers Night Event has been postponed due to difficulty scheduling around the COVID virus**


March 2021 Central Coast President’s Message

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by Justin White, Chapter President, K&D Landscaping Company

"What the CLCA has done for me"

This month's president message was inspired by an article published by one of my peers within the CLCA and the Chair of the Board for the Los Angeles Chapter, Alex Salazar. Alex is also the current secretary and treasurer of the state board. In Alex's article, which can be found here, he talks about how the CLCA has helped his business grow and has given him purpose through volunteerism. I thought that I would share some of my experiences with you here over the last five years of my active involvement.

The CLCA's mission is to serve and protect the interests of its members, promote professionalism, and advance awareness of the landscape industry. The CLCA does so much behind the scenes to keep the C-27 license alive and thriving. If you compare the C-27 to another contractor license you will quickly realize the wide scope we have been given to work within. Where some contractors are limited to a few areas, landscapers can do everything from concrete to decking, planting, irrigation and so much more. Since its founding in 1952, the CLCA has been in Sacramento fighting for our rights to continue doing what we love. The best thing about the CLCA's success is it's always been driven by member volunteerism and truly a contractor-first approach.

Active Volunteerism: Although the CLCA has thousands of members state-wide there is only a small group of us who are actively volunteering. Some of those members have put in their time and have been through multiple terms as local chapter presidents and state board members, earning the title of "life member" and helping to guide us, youngsters. There are still many members who have yet to jump in with two feet and find the value of sitting on a board or committee. I hope I can shed some light on the benefits I have found by getting more involved and stepping up my active volunteerism.

Our family company, K&D, originally joined in the mid-2000s to get a good deal on insurance. We soon found value in attending events and getting to know our local peers, but never really participated on the board or committees. In 2015, I was convinced by a great local contractor and our 2020 State president, Regan Barry. Regan invited me to sit in on a few board meetings and before I knew it, with a little arm pulling, I was the membership director. When I stepped into a board member role here on the central coast it unlocked an entirely new world of opportunity and mentorship. As a young, 26-year-old CEO taking over the business from my parents I was excited to network and learn from folks like Regan, John David, Jerry Alison, Andrew Tuckman, Katia Velasquez, Craig Stenehjem, Michael Johnson, Chris Elliott, Tish O’Reilly, Dinah Irino, Mike Ruscoe, and many more. This is just a shortlist of those who have helped guide me through the CLCA path and encourage my volunteerism.

As our small family business began to grow in our local market, these relationships would prove to be invaluable. Santa Cruz is small and when you are growing a business as quickly as we have, you are bound to step on some toes. The CLCA has helped provide a platform to have difficult conversations with other contractors and suppliers. It provides an outlet where we feel comfortable being open and honest with one another knowing we are in it for the betterment of the industry and truly want success for one another. It also can provide a sounding board when you are faced with challenges and changes. Covid-19 is a great example of a new challenge that we are all facing and the CLCA has helped us come together for a common cause of employee health and business longevity. During the first few months of the pandemic, we held weekly conference calls to brainstorm ideas and share experiences we were all going through. This type of comradery is what the CLCA is all about and is where I find the unlimited value out of my active membership.

My story is just one of many hundreds you will find when you start talking with active volunteers in the CLCA. I am confident that the CLCA has contributed a large amount to the success and development of my family business. As K&D topped 100 employees last month, I thought it was only fitting to share my story with you all and hopefully inspire someone to get more involved.

To our success,
Justin White
CEO, K&D Landscaping Inc.

C: (831) 331-3476 │  O: (831) 728-4018

Students needing education dollars? How many of your students struggle with funding their education?


LEAF is here to help!
Over $38,000 in scholarship funds distributed to students in 2020.

The deadline to apply is April 15, 2021

In 2020, nine deserving California college students received scholarships from our LEAF scholarship program. These scholarships help make education attainable and boosts our industry's next wave of leaders.

Our scholarship winners come from a variety of 2-year and 4-year colleges across California. You can learn about our 2020 scholarship recipients here.

If your class is meeting virtually, we are available to speak about the LEAF scholarship and how it has helped students achieve their goals.

Please share this link with students and encourage them to apply, Help us spread the word about this scholarship opportunity.

We recognize many classes are virtual due to the pandemic, but if you would still like a LEAF scholarship poster or more information about LEAF, please email us at

Thank you for your help. Together we can help students get the funds they need to continue their education!

2021 Central Coast Chapter Partners for Success Program

There has never been a better time to support Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program. Joining provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association. For more information, contact Justin White Or, better still, go directly to our online registration! Join us!

IN 2021 we had hoped to be giving one free golf game to all renewing members who renewed and PAID by January 30, 2021. However, it looks like this will not be possible in the foreseeable future.

With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.

With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.


Jeremy Yearton of Hunter and Jeff Calhoun of FX Luminaire Industries

This month Jeremy Yearton and Jeffrey Calhoun are featured in our “Partner’s Corner.” Read more here.

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Use these links for Latest Covid-19 Information 2021

Helpful county-specific links here:

Alameda County information here.
Contra CostA County information here.
Marin county information here.
San Benito County information here.
San Francisco bay AREA Information here.
San Mateo County information here.
Santa Clara County information here.
Santa Cruz County information here.

CLCA STATE information on Covid-19 rules


Education Corner


Presented by the Central Coast Chapter of the California Landscape Contractor’s Association (CLCA)


Firescaping Basics from the Central Coast Chapter of the California Landscape Contractor’s Association (CLCA)

FREE to all— (1 hour & 45-minute Zoom recording)

Industry leaders will share what they know about wildfire mitigation in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), an important topic for those of us who live in the rural parts of Santa Cruz County. 

Here’s a chance to learn ways to help reduce risks related to low-intensity wildfires. Concepts to be presented include maintenance of vegetation, awareness, and management of combustible materials, thoughtful design, layout, and incorporation of fire and ember-resistant construction materials and plants, fire breaks, firescape designs, and the importance of neighborhood and community involvement.


Presentation by Phil Dundas, owner of The Landscape Company, an active board member of the UCSC Arboretum and our new Central Coast CLCA Education Director, Marco Mack, Aptos La Selva Fire Marshal and Fire Safe Council of Santa Cruz County board member, Martin Quigley, executive director of UCSC Arboretum, Liz Kroft, owner of Sol Property Advisors and president of the Women’s County Board of Realtors, Lynn Sestak of Firewise, and Justin White, CEO of K&D Landscaping and Central Coast Chapter CLCA president.


Free CLCA SFBA Webinar: Integrated Pest Management

Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 5:00-7:00 P.M. PST
Zoom Meeting - URL will be sent to all registrants
Join us for a webinar with Frank Niccoli on Integrated Pest Management—FREE!

This webinar will show you how to evaluate an individual spray event and determine the correct chemical to use. You would not take chemotherapy to cure your cold so why run your pest control program the same way. The least toxic chemical to accomplish control should be chosen and used. Frank will show you what chemicals to choose and use from an arsenal of new products that are available and that work. That is what IPM (Integrated Pest Management) is all about.

Get more information and register now.

Once you have registered we will send you the Zoom meeting information and link.
Jeff Henninger, California Landscape Contractors Association—San Francisco Bay Area

especially for CLCA Members


Advertise in the Central Coast Seascape Newsletter!

THis is a great time to show your support for the central Coast CLCA and promote your business. Advertise in this newsletter! Reach your target audience monthly. Sign up for large, medium, or small ads. For specs and pricing contact: OR sign up online here.

What To Do With Treated Wood Waste?

Hint: Request a hazardous waste disposal variance on February 16.

As of January, 2021, there are very few options for the disposal of hazardous treated wood waste in California.

Furthermore, the limited options that do exist involve managing the treated wood waste as a fully regulated hazardous waste, which is procedurally more difficult and costly. For many generators, temporarily accumulating the treated wood waste is an available option that should be considered.

The state agency responsible for protecting California’s people and environment from toxic substances say they understand that “the change in status of treated wood waste and the sunset of the Alternative Management Standards has been disruptive and has caused frustration to many.” to read the complete article…

CLCA Recommends

  • For the time being, don’t panic—and keep an eye out for updates from CLCA on this important matter.

  • Carefully review the California Department of Toxic Substance Control’s Treated Wood Waste fact sheet, paying particular attention to the section detailing how treated wood waste must be managed in accordance with full hazardous waste management standards.

  • Ascertain the cost of obtaining a disposal variance and determine if a variance request is the best course of action for your company.

  • Consider storing treated wood waste for 90 days in the hopes that a legislative solution is forthcoming.

Online course through MonterEy Peninsula College


Two Saturdays in Spring 2021

Saturday, APRIL 17 — 9:00-11:15am & 1:00-2:30pm (Zoom) and
Saturday, APRIL 24 —
9:00-11:15am & 1:00-2:30Pm (Zoom)

Creating beautiful and functional residential landscapes within defensible space is possible! Experts will give relevant landscape design and maintenance principles for fire country. We will review maintaining defensible space and hardening your structure. It's possible to have gardens for food, habitat and beauty while also maximizing your structure's survivability when wildfire comes. Presenters will include landscape architects and horticulturists, as well as fire science experts. This 8-hour course is valuable for garden designers, landscape contractors, tree services providers, homeowners, and anyone working and/or living where wildfire can occur.

Speakers will include Doug Kent, author of Firescaping-Protecting Your Home and Carol Rice and Cheryl Miller, authors of Managing Fire in the Urban Wildland Interface. Cheryl and Doug are landscape architects.

Monterey Peninsula College
HORT 210 - Section 1026 - Current Topics in Ornamental Horticulture (8 hours)
The course will be delivered synchronously by Zoom.
Those taking the course for credit will complete assessments in Canvas.


Please direct questions to John Kern

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Board Meeting Minutes

Central Coast Chapter CLCA Board Meeting March 4, 2021
Justin White, Craig Stenehjem, Cathleen Quinn, Ki Bowman, Katia Velasquez, Gregory Miller, Phil Dundas, David Ventura. Zoom meeting started at 12:00

Call to order. Approve minutes from last meeting, review agenda.

Events Schedule
• Firescaping Event—The discussion centered around the Firescaping. Phil reported on the status of the event. Things are moving forward. The slides from the partners were being sent to David. A dry run is scheduled for Sat the 13th, with the event scheduled for Feb 20th. We have over 100 people registered already. The plan is to record the session and post it on our website.

—We also spoke about how to utilize the CLCA for more education sessions. More to follow.

• Suppliers Night—Postponed for the time being
• Spring Golf Tournament—Postponed for right now
• Virtual Happy Hour idea from Katia—She will give us an update at the April meeting

• There was a quick discussion about our next training session. We decided to put it off until after the Firescaping one is done.

Membership Update
• Grey wasn’t able to attend the meeting. We will get an update at the next board meeting.
• Quick discussion around membership calls. A few were made but we need to do a better job.

Associate Membership Updates
• Enterprise Fleet Servies - Justin reported Interlock is looking to join. Graniterock signed up and also will be doing advertising with us.

Newsletter and Website Updates
• Cathleen gave us a quick update on advertising, we need more!

Treasurer Updates
• Cathy couldn’t make the meeting so no report. She was going to email for approval.
• Quick discussion around electing a treasurer for this year. Katia nominated David Ventura for the position. Craig seconded the motion. The board elected David Ventura as treasurer. Yeah!

Other Business
• Justin brought up that we need a legislation rep for our chapter. We had a quick discussion around it. We need to find someone.
• Ki brought up we need to put flyers at retail shops to promote the CLCA and bring in more members. Also, use social media blasts as well.

Meeting was adjoined at 1:10