The Seascape
Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter
October 2024
Greetings Dwellers of the Central Coast,
I hope that this update finds everyone in good health and spirits as we reach the end of our prime busy season. It’s been an interesting year on many fronts. After a couple of months of r&r this summer, as we caught our breath. Now your board of directors are back at work to serve the interests of you all, the Central Coast Chapter members. After a very successful Awards event at the Dream Inn early this summer, thanks to everyone that participated, I'm excited to get everyone up to speed on our upcoming events.
The Central Coast’s board of directors had our first meeting (back from the Summer) on September 11th at the Laughing Monk Brew Pub. We were drinking iced tea for lunch in case you wondered, or actually the Central Coast’s drink of choice, Arnold Palmers. First on the agenda was our Liars Cup Golf Tournament. It’s coming up quickly—September 20th at DeLaveaga Golf Club. Calling all golfers! Calling all golfers! Register please! This tournament albeit very fun also serves also as a fundraiser for LEAF, which is our association’s educational scholarship program. Please come, golf, and support the team.
We then discussed our upcoming annual planning meeting in October. This meeting serves as a vital ingredient to our chapter’s success for the upcoming year. The exact date has not been determined but we will be reaching out to chapter members soon to see who’s interested in attending. This is a great opportunity for anyone to get involved in Chapter management and to see the bigger picture of what the CLCA does for our industry. For me personally this experience has been invaluable for my business and the friendships made along the way. Just sayin.
Next we had a discussion on where to hold our Holiday Party this year. The date is penciled in as December 5th. We have a few locations that we’re checking out but rest assured that it will be as awesome as ever. One of the highlights will be to announce the new Board of Directors for 2025. Anyone reading this article, this could be you. Keep an eye out for our flyers and e-blasts to save the date.
Let’s not forget our CLCA Convention which is being held in Newport Beach on November 13-16th. Conventions are always pretty cool and feel a lot like a homecoming for many of us in the CLCA. To check it out (and register) go online to: One part of the convention I am looking forward to relating to our chapter will be the recognition of Irving Tamura of Tamura Designs for being a life member. A life member is anyone who has been a member of the CLCA for 25 years or more. For many of you who don’t know about Irving: he was our Central Coast Chapter President in the mid 1980s. Irving’s company has entered our Beautification Awards many times over the years including this year. Irving is a strong advocate for the CLCA and that is reflected in how many years he has been around. Recently his son joined Irving Designs to help dad ease into retirement.
That’s all for now as my fingers are getting tired. Be kind to yourself and others.
—Regan Barry
Coastal Evergreen Company
Immediate Past President: Phil Dundas—The Landscape Company
Membership Director: Terri Baker—Graniterock
Director of Events: Scott Long—Central Coast Landscape
Director of Education: Michael Johnson—California H2orticulture Services
Associate Member Director: Julia Zuckerman—Delta Bluegrass
Legislation Director: Regan Barry—Coastal Evergreen
Secretary/Treasurer: Jamie Clark—K & D Landscaping
Please come and learn more about our board by coming to a meeting, or volunteer to help in any capacity. Please contact Regan Barry at if you are interested in becoming involved with this dynamic group.
It’s that time of year to renew your partnership. Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.
For more information, contact Regan Barry at
With much appreciation Our Partners for 2024. Sign up or re-register and we’ll add you to this group of fine businesses. It’s never too late to sign up!
Read more about Roberto here…
The Partner’s Corner! What a great benefit. Here’s an easy way to let people in your industry know what you’re up to, what’s new, and why you’re the success that you are. We want to see pictures of you, your family, your company’s staff, we want to know what you do in your spare time and what makes you unique. We’re interested. Please contact Elise Huffman, the Central Coast editor, if you are interested in being featured on our website in a future “Partner’s Corner.” Partner’s don’t miss this chance for some FREE advertising.
Some photos from last year’s Liar’s Cup. Always a great time on the green.
This fun event is coming right up and we’re all really looking forward to seeing you on the green. Register early and put on your calendar today!
Here’s your direct link to registration:
This year the raffle prize money will be donated to:
The Leaf Scholarship
The Seascape Newsletter is published 10 times per year and is posted each month on the chapter web site, Email notifications with links to the current issue are sent to over 400 targeted green industry professionals. Ads are billed annually and are sold in two levels, all with click-through access to your company’s website.
The CLCA Central Coast Chapter offers several different ways to reach your customers and other industry professionals. They are win-win opportunities that reinforce your sales program and give prominence to your company by its alignment with a professional organization. In addition to brand recognition and increased web exposure, you can gain insight to market trends and have face-to-face interactions with the people you are marketing to.
Master the knowledge you need to compete, profit and prosper in today’s challenging market.
This popular, straight-to-the-point workshop gives you the knowledge you need to compete, profit and prosper in today's challenging market!
How Much Monday Do I Need to Make?
Setting the Right Price — and Getting It!
Calculating Production and Costs and More
You’ll get the answer to these questions and more as you master estimating and pricing your services correctly — the key to a profitable business.
Workshops are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and include lunch.
Cost: CLCA members: $349/Non-members: $449. Second person from same company: $299/$399.
Sign up early and save $50! You are encouraged to register now at:
Our presenter is Frank Niccoli, a veteran contractor and experienced teacher who has “been there, built that.”
Frank teaches from the perspective of a contractor who had been in the business for 40+ years, and with a passion for sustainability and environmental stewardship. He’s a licensed C-27 contractor and owned and operated The Village Gardener. His 50-plus employees won several prestigious awards for excellence in landscaping.
He is also a past president of the California Landscape Contractors Association. His peers voted him CLCA Member of the Year in 2001 and in 2004.
He wrote the curriculum and taught numerous classes at Foothill College, including Landscape Business and Sustainable Integrated Pest Management. He began teaching at Merritt College in 2014
Present: Scott Long, Regan Barry, Terry Baker, Phil Dundas, Katia Velasquez, Elise Huffman and Cathy Quinn
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at the Laughing Monk, Scotts Valley, CA
Meeting Minutes: recorded by Elise Huffman
12:07 pm: Welcome
• Remove Katrina as bank signer and dual approver
• Approve Regan as new signer and dual approver
• Appoint Jamie Clark to Secretary/Treasurer position
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Regan Barry at 12:37
II. Roll Call, Establish Quorum and Approve Agenda
Regan Barry called the roll call.
Present: Scott Long, Regan Barry, Terry Baker, Phil Dundas, Katia Velasquez, Elise Huffman and Cathy Quinn
Absent: Ki Bowman, Jamie Clark, Micheal Johnson, Julie Zuckerman
Other members and guests included: none
III. Approve minutes from June 5, 2024 Board Meeting
• Fix spelling of names. Motion, second, approve.
IV. Beautification Awards Recap Discussion
• Great review of event, great attendance, 92 people.
• Sand artist at Dream Inn did a lovely sand rendering of the CLCA logo.
• Good work Scott and Katia!
• What worked well
• Venue, layout was great, 1 screen, band and food off to the side.
• Financially we did well
—a couple of companies bought a lot of tickets (Coastal Evergreen and K&D)
—About 7 guests were comp’ed
• Effective Part of Selling the Event
—Secure the dates sooner
—Lots of phone calls were made. Many sign ups later
• Scott suggested a videographer be at hand at the event(s) to capture moments for social media…
V. Committee Reports
• Cathy Q says that the BA event paid for itself, we often lose money, but this year, with great attendance, made a small profit. We have a new member: Old Castle at Oak level.
VI. Discussion of Upcoming Events of 2024-2025
1. Golf Event—Liar’s Cup 2025
Discussion of venue and date, check for conflict…tentatively Delaveaga Park on Sept. 13, Friday.
• Elise will set up the registration/Constant Contact eblast advertising as soon as the date and location are set.
• Discussion about events not appearing on State/local Calendar. Ki and Elise want good dates before publishing those dates, some you can’t change after the fact, like State calendar. We all agree that getting dates on the calendar is good.
• Scott will confirm date and location and be in contact with Elise
2. Holiday Party
• Discussion and decision that Dec. 5, Thursday, would be a good date. Several venuse were suggested. Top two were Trout Farm and Paradox, Regan and Katia will work on securing one of those and report back.
3. 2025 Annual Planning Meeting
• Katia offered to hold it at her house in Felton. Mid Oct would be good time, Oct 16 was chosen, 12-3 p.m.
• Who will be on the board in 2025?
—Some names were put forth. Regan recommended that whoever we get does the State’s Leadership Training. Regan says he’ll be less involved with Central Coast Chapter in 2025.
4. Educational Events for 2024
• Discussion about the lack of educational events
• Terry suggests having Big Creek do an educational tour. Michelle offered. Terry B. will get in touch with them and see if we can do something with them in August, before Golf Event.
• Each Partner gets 2 free Educational Events per year.
—We should purchase food for the event.
• Regan suggested maybe an event to have discussions on state legislative issues, how to vote on bills, produce bills at State level
No meeting in August. Next meeting will be September 4
Adjournment 1:40 pm