The Seascape
Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter
November-December 2023
Everyone is welcome. Come and let’s make a plan for 2024.
Everyone is welcome. Holiday party is always a blast, good company, food, drinks and the white elephant gift exchange. Not to be missed!
Please RSVP, here’s your link.
Contact Scott Long (831) 462-3726 or
by Phil Dundas, Chapter President, The Landscape Company
Hello Landscape Community,
Fall is finally here. It’s officially “wear a sweater in the morning and regret it in the afternoon” weather.
We’re having our annual planning meeting on Tuesday, November 14th from 9 am to noon. The location will be at Graniterock headquarters, 350 Technology Dr, Watsonville, CA 95076. Everyone is welcome. Come and let’s make a plan for 2024.
Board nominations and positions are open and available so please reach out if you are interested in participating on our chapter’s board of directors.
Make sure to consider getting involved with your local chapter this year. Central Coast Chapter is a great vibrant group, full of networking possibilities for you and your company. We’re always looking for new faces and ideas, want to be on our board? Please nominate yourself for a position. Our elections are coming happening now. If you are interested in any of the positions please contact me. We encourage you to come to one of our monthly board meetings and get involved with the Central Coast Chapter.
Central Coast Board Positions:
President (open)
Membership Director (Terri Baker)
Secretary (Julie Zuckerman)
Director of Events (Scott Long)
Director of Education/Treasurer (open)
Associate Member Director (open)
Legislation Director (open)
We also would love to see you at our Annual Holiday Party—Thursday December 8th, 6 to 10 pm.
Location: Back Nine Grill & Bar, 555 Hwy 17 (Pasatiempo Inn), Santa Cruz. This is a great chance to mingle with your fellow earth minders and celebrate the holiday spirit. Hope to see you there. Please encourage others to join us. The more the merrier.
Pumpkin Spice with Everything,
Phil Dundas, President, The Landscape Company
C: (831) 750-0447 │ O: (831) 476-7070
2023 Board of Directors
President: Phil Dundas—The Landscape Company
Membership Director: Terri Baker—Graniterock
Secretary: Julia Zuckerman—Delta Bluegrass
Director of Events: Scott Long—Central Coast Landscape
Director of Education/Treasurer: Shane White—K&D Landscaping
Associate Member Director: Bill Bruce—B&B Small Engine Repair
Legislation Director: Regan Barry—Coastal Evergreen
If you are interested in any of the positions, or would like to serve on our board as a committee chair, or volunteer to help in any capacity please contact Phil Dundas, our current president at:
It’s that time of year to renew your partnership. Central Coast’s Partners for Success Program provides an opportunity to increase your visibility in the community, to be seen as a leader in the green industry by helping sustain the many educational and enrichment offerings of our association.
For more information, contact Phil Dundas
With much appreciation Our Partners in Success 2021.
Read more about Julia and her family story, and their long history on the Central Coast. Julie has some very notable more!
The Partner’s Corner! What a great benefit. Here’s an easy way to let people in your industry know what you’re up to, what’s new, and why you’re the success that you are. We want to see pictures of you, your family, your company’s staff, we want to know what you do in your spare time and what makes you unique. We’re interested. Please contact Elise Huffman, the Central Coast editor, if you are interested in being featured on our website in a future “Partner’s Corner.” Partner’s don’t miss this chance for some FREE advertising.
We got a recent update on the Habitat for Humanity community work that Central Coast members took part in. Keaton, of Habitat for Humanity, wanted to make sure that Davy Tree’s efforts were noted. Above are two images of the common area where the Eucalyptus trees were removed from the back of the propery. Thank you Davy Tree and Jeremy Nama. Keaton said that was a huge help.
The Landscape Company secured the the majority of the plants needed to complete the project. Haydi Danielson at Boething Treeland Farms donated those plants. Good community service efforts. Thank you all.
This is it folks, a big party to say “Goodbye 2023!” and “Hello 2024!” You’re invited. Friends, colleagues, partners and all are welcome. Especially those who love the CLCA or want to learn why they might love the CLCA. Our new board of directors will be sworn in and applauded.
We start at 6:00 p.m. and have conversation and beverages. Dinner will be served and includes hors d’oeuvres, and a carving station. The buffet will include salad, vegetables, mashed potatoes, and either medium rare-prime rib au juice and homemade cream horseradish sauce or roasted turkey with a sage garlic gravy and cranberry relish, and rolls, and assorted holiday desserts. Yum!
Come enjoy dinner with your friends, sip a beverage, and participate in the White Elephant Gift Exchange. FUN! Who has that bowling ball? Will the dog cookie jar surface? Who wants that 49ers poster? Lottery tickets? What other treasures await those who do the gift exchange? Spend no more than $10 and have a priceless experience.
We are holding the festivities at The Back Nine Grill & Bar, Pasatiempo Inn, Santa Cruz. Remember that you have two comps to this event if you are a Partner at the Oak and Redwood levels, one comp for Maple Partners.
We hope to see you there and you hope to see us there. It’s a win-win situation. And it’s the holidays, they’re almost here!
Please register soon. It really helps us plan. Here’s your link to register…
Central Coast participation in the State Annual Convention is clear, check out these familiar faces. Left to right: Julie Zuckerman (Central Coast Secretary), Jerry Allison (Lifelong Member), Phil Dundas (Central Coast President), Regan Barry (Past President and glue that holds so much together), and Terri Baker (Central Coast Central Coast Membership Director), John David (CLCA Lifetime Member and Chapter Photographer in the day.)
Left to right: Julie Zuckerman (Central Coast Secretary) wins wine!, Andrew Tuckman (Past President? etc…) and Regan Barry (Past President and glue that holds so much together), and Sandra Giarde (CLCA State Executive Director. Sandra serves as chief administrative officer of the association and has overall responsibility for CLCA operations. Perhaps she too won some wine?)
This past week your California Landscape Contractors Association held our 2023 Annual Convention in Monterey California. It was a great success…again. I am proud to say our Central Coast Chapter was well represented by our current president Phil Dundas from the Landscape Company, our associate member director Terri Baker from Granite Rock, Julia Zuckerberg our sectretary from Delta Bluegrass, Shane White our educational director, from K&D landscaping. There were a whole host of K&D employees for the Beatification Awards Evening including Justin and Kendal White. Congratulations to K&D for their winning entries!!!
Additional attendees were past presidents Jerry Allison and John David and yours truly Regan Barry from Coastal Evergreen. We are just a sample of what other CLCA Chapters around the State are doing, showing up and supporting the efforts of our association to promote the professionalism in our industry, and awareness in the general public.
Our annual convention is the ultimate experience, exemplifying why the CLCA continues to be the standard and foundation for fellowship and purpose, promoting success in the landscape industry. I am proud to be a member of our association and a member of our local chapter. If you haven’t already gotten involved please contact a board member to ask how to be part of this dynamic organization.
—Regan Barry
Members of the State Legislation committee: Rick Opreza, State Ledge Director Megan Rios, and Jay Martinez.
CLCA Central Coast Board Meeting October 10, 2023
In Attendance: Regan Barry, Scott Long, Terri Baker, Julie Zuckermann, Elise Huffman
Call to Order: 12:05 pm
Notes, Old Business
Approval of last meetings minutes: ask for approval of last meetings minutes over email
Committee Reports
Check in with with attending members
Board position reports:
Terri Baker (membership update): working on new members, trying to invite nonmembers to events,
Good news? We have people joining; 3-4 people this year in our chapter
Educational Events/Programs
Planning Meeting to create expectations for bringing in members next year
Scott Long (Events Update)
44 players at golf tourney-hoped for 60
Christmas Party-will talk more at Planning Meeting
Date: December 7th ?
Location: Brunos Bar & Grill Scotts Valley
Elise Huffman (Newsletter Roundup)
Working on Newsletter
Send out Monday October 9th
Ki Bowman (Social Media Director)
New member to take on role
Planning Meeting/Board Meeting
Date: November 14th 9 AM Granite Rock Watsonville
Everyone Welcome! We will work discuss these topics:
Yearly tasks
Yearly Calendar
Partners program
Educational Events
Nothing planned for rest of year
CLCA Convention
Motion to Adjourn
MSA Scott Long, seconded Terri Baker
Meeting adjourned at 1:20