CLCA/Central Coast

The Seascape

Newsletter of the CLCA
Central Coast Chapter

October 2019


2019 Calendar of Events

October 1-31

Central Coast Chapter Nominations for Board Positions

Chapter Board of Directors nominations are OPEN to the membership. Elections close October 31. Positions open: President, Secretary, Events Director, Legislation Director. Please submit to Justin White

October 3, Thursday

Central Coast Chapter 2020 Planning Meeting

Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Tish’s House

Central Coast will be having our annual planning meeting to develop our budget, calendar of events, and educational opportunities for 2020. We are inviting any interested members to join us in this discussion and help make 2020 the best year yet! The planning session will be held from 9am to 2pm, hosted by Tish O’Reilly. The conversation will be exciting and effective. We hope to see you there. Please RSVP with Justin White

Santa Cruz Permaculture Design Certificate Course

October 5, Saturday, 11, Friday and more…

Whole Systems Design, Fruit Tree Pruning & Care, Nature Awareneness, Carbon Farming, Ecovillages, Nonviolent Communication, Holistic Management & Rotational Grazing, Public Banking, City Repair, Agroforestry, Greywater, Food Forests, Mycorrhizal Network & Fungi, Soil Ecology, Composting, Crop Planning, Local Food Systems, Intentional Communities & so much more! It’s all covered in the Permaculture Design Certificate course.

Register today:

October 23-24, Wednesday-Thursday
Landscape Expo Long Beach

Seminars scheduled daily. Pre-register for 50% Off Exhibit Hall Admission. Register here.
Time: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm.
Location: Long Beach Convention Center

November 13-16, Wednesday-Thursday
2019 CLCA Annual Convention in Lake Tahoe

Plan now to make your way to the top! Mix play with work as this year’s convention focuses on the inspirational and practical knowledge you need for cultivating your team and propelling your business ahead! CLCA’s 2019 Annual Convention will be held at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel.
Click here for on-line reservations, or call  (530) 544-5400. Use group code CLCA.
Location: Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel

We’ll be celebrating our own Regan Barry as he moves into his new role of State President. If you need any assistance signing up or you have questions please contact Justin White



October 2019 President’s Message

by Justin White, Chapter President, K&D Landscaping Company

What Can the CLCA Do For Me?"

Justin White.jpg

Hello to all and welcome to the best time of the year on the Central Coast! The tourists are retreating and the warm “Indian summer” weather is upon us. This makes for some great days on the beach and in the waves!

You may ask yourself from time to time, especially when that bill arrives for renewal, “so what does the CLCA do for ME?!” We often join organizations and then forget about our membership, never finding the true value it can provide. Even if you are a busy contractor and don’t have time to attend any events yourself, the CLCA still has many benefits for you to reap. Some of those include: legislative protection of our C-27 license, training opportunities for your employees, access to more vendors, savings through CLCA Insurance Solutions, FREE On-Call attorney (yes, Free $400/hr advice), career path and job descriptions, the “Find a Contractor” website to help connect potential leads to you, and the recognition by customers that you are a member of the CLCA, (via stickers on your trucks, logo on your business card and website). Lastly, it provides ongoing support to ensure the industry that has provided so much to you continues to thrive in the great state of California.

I can go on and on about the benefits you will receive once you begin to attend events and engage with your local chapter board but instead, I will simply ask you to take a look at my family's company, K&D Landscaping a a prime example. My parents have been members since the ’90s but only until 2015 did we really begin to engage at a deeper level with our chapter. The growth and development of our company have largely been in part thanks to the CLCA, we are a thriving example of what can happen when you begin to engage!

If you’re looking at that renewal notice this year and questioning your membership, I encourage you to reach out to me as I may be able to help identify some needs within your business that can be met by the CLCA. I myself did not realize how many resources they provide until a great person by the name of Regan Barry took the time to show me. (By the way, Regan will be our State President in 2019 representing our Central Coast in the highest seat of the organization!) It would be my honor to help you discover what’s missing and how we can help.

Lastly, take some time and check out the upcoming Annual CLCA Convention happening November 13-16. It will be in Tahoe this year and what better excuse to take a long weekend off with your spouse and enjoy the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains in our backyard. Sign up here: 2019 Convention

To our success,
Justin White
CEO, K&D Landscaping Inc.

Link to Partner’s Feature: Terri Baker of GraniteRock

This month Terri Baker of GraniteRock is featured in our “Partner’s Corner.” Terri says “I feel so blessed and fortunate to be able to get up every day and do something that I LOVE! At Graniterock I work with Architects, Designers, Contractors and homeowners…” Read more here.


recent Event

Central Coast Chapter
Liar’s Cup Invitational Golf Tournament

September 12, 2019
Seascape golf club, Aptos, CA

On a beautiful bright and sunny afternoon, over 40 determined golfers converged on Seascape Golf Course, in Aptos, California. They came to strive for golfing excellence, and vie for the right to have their name etched upon the crown jewel of Central Coast CLCA honor, The Liar’s Cup. The fairways were green, and the course trim for golf this day. The golf maintenance crew treated everyone in attendance with respect, setting the day for a wonderful experience.

All in attendance had a great time. At the end of regulation, all could brag about their well-hit shots, and the ones which just rolled short. After a delicious dinner prepared and served up by our host, Seascape Resort Staff, it was time to announce the day’s winners.

A special shout out to all of our tee-sponsors, chapter volunteers, and raffle gift suppliers, you make this whole event special.

Congratulation go out to Shane Henninger, who had closest to the hole honors of 12' on hole #8.
Also to Matt Ellington, who blasted a monster drive down the 10th Fairway.
And with a 12 under par total of 59:
Mike Jones, Justin Rojas, Mike Lamson, and Chris Elliott were this year’s Tournament Winners.

Really, everyone was a winner. The day was warm, the course played fair, and the food and beverages were superb. Well done Central Coast!

Thank you to Chris Elliot for reporting on this year’s CLCA Central Coast Golf Tournament!



CLCA: It’s All About Relationships

September 2019 –

The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter recently did a major clean-up and up-grade of the landscaping around its Watsonville facility. In appreciation of CLCA’s past contributions to SCCAS, local CLCA member Jerry Allison Landscaping was chosen to handle the work.

“Their team did a great job!”Pam Lowry (SCCAS Green Team Coordinator)

As Tish put it so well, “What goes around comes around.”

Jerry Allison Landscaping maintaining the grounds at Watsonville Animal Services Visit Jerry Allison Landscaping at

Jerry Allison Landscaping maintaining the grounds at Watsonville Animal Services Visit Jerry Allison Landscaping at

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.
— Author unknown



MPC Horticulture Program Survey


We have been asked by MPC to ask for your input on this industry survey.

Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) is in the process of collecting information to identify gaps in the local labor market. One of the tools being used is a survey of local employers, those who hire folks with education and training in horticulture, to determine if there is a shortage of skilled workers. Please take a moment and fill out the survey. The information provided will inform college personnel about how to revise the existing Ornamental Horticulture program to be more relevant to employer needs. You will only be contacted if you give permission on the survey.

Thank you for participating in our survey!

If you have any questions please contact:
Judy Cutting
Dean of Instruction - Career and Technical Education
Monterey Peninsula College, 980 Fremont Street, Monterey, CA 93940
email: Phone: 831-646-4039 Fax: 831-655-2627

Advertise in the Central Coast Seascape Newsletter!

Advertising is now available for 2019 in this online newsletter! Reach your target audience monthly. Sign up for large, medium or small ads. For specs and pricing, more information or contact:


September Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes

Central Coast Chapter CLCA September Board Meeting

By Phil Dundas, Secretary

September 5, 2019, present: Justin White, Regan Barry, Katia Velasquez, Craig Stenehjem, Tish O’Reilly, Phil Dundas, Elise Huffman, Ki Bowman, Chris Elliot, Matt Gomez

Call to order by Justin White at 12:08 p.m.

1. Meeting

It was moved and 2nd to approve the minutes of the June meeting. All voted in favor.

2. Golf Tournament

Matt and Chris reported on the golf tournament. Discussed attendees and people to call.

3. Education Dinner

The Fall Education Dinner scheduled for 10-8-19 was canceled. New education topics and schedule will be discussed at the upcoming annual planning meeting October 3rd.

4. CPC Meeting

CPC Meeting, Regan will attend and it was discussed that more support for local chapters should be brought up at the state meeting.

5. CLCA Event reimbursement

Reimbursement from the state and local chapter for attending CLCA events was discussed. The topic will be researched and discussed and voted on at the next meeting.

6. Holiday Party

Katia will look into venues for the Holiday Party and report back.

7. Board Elections

Regan will chair the board nomination committee.

8. Community Projects

Tish proposed another cleanup at the SPCA for the 2020 CLCA Chapter Community Project. Phil proposed a project with the UCSC Arboretum. These projects will be discussed further future meetings.

9. State Convention/Leadership

Tish encourage attendance at the state convention and reimbursement for attending the leadership conference.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
