Featured Partner

David Ventura of GraniteCrete, Inc.

Over Twenty years with Granitecrete


David Ventura and his family.


David “Dave” Ventura is the Senior Account Manager for GraniteCrete. Dave has been in sales for over 20 years, working in various industries—including high-tech, solar, and finally settling in construction. Since joining GraniteCrete, Dave has been involved with various CLCA events, and currently serves as secretary and treasurer on the board. He looks forward to helping the CLCA grow in 2022.

Dave and his wife Ann have lived in Hollister for the past 22 years. Dave and Ann have five grown children: Dusty, Joshua, Gabriel, Kendra, and Brennan. During his free time, Dave enjoys coaching high school volleyball, riding his motorcycle, golfing, and working around the house. Most of all, he loves hitting the road with Ann in their travel trailer.

Dave’s been amazed by the growth GraniteCrete has seen during the pandemic. GraniteCrete has been accepted as a paving solution by many municipalities and counties throughout California. It is often praised for its durability, permeability, environmental-friendliness, LEED points, and for meeting handicap accessibility and emergency vehicle access requirements.

Dave says: “GraniteCrete is exploding right now, with over 150% growth over the past two years. We’ve expanded to Southern California, Texas, and South Carolina. We will also be announcing this year that the City of San Francisco has installed over a quarter-million square feet of our product—Pretty excited about that! Just about every point of interest has GraniteCrete installed someplace.”

David Ventura
Sr Account Manager

GraniteCrete, Inc.

PO Box 1574
Carmel, CA 93921

phone: 408-858-9635
email: davidv@GraniteCrete.com
